Wednesday, April 17, 2013


So to get bracieRSS off the ground, I need to acquire the kit needed to make my own beer. Fortunately my pop handed down all of his old gear to me years ago, that has been collecting dust packed up in my basement and garage for years.

On further inspection, almost all of it is now worthless. Pisser. All the tubing has hardened and discolored over the years, it might well have been serviceable - but in such a neglected condition I don't know if it will clean up properly. As cleanliness is critical for brewing beer, I decided to toss most of it. As well as all of the old cracked airlocks, dried out rubber stoppers, and almost all of the other bits and parts that I found.

The buckets had long since been used for dirt/tools/toys/etc in my garage, so I already knew that I would have to replace them.
bracieRSS's legacy gear.

The huge glass 'carboy' bottles though, are in fantastic shape - awesome. I've got two of them that look not only like they are in great condition, but clean too. I was expecting years of dust and grime, nope, they look great. Super that.

As for the beer bottles, my pop used to use plastic PET bottles, in a bunch of different sizes and colours.. Those are long gone, and I have nothing suitable - looks like I will have to source some new ones. .........I've got my mind set on flip top glass ones, we'll see if I can source some of those on the cheep.


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