So here at
my house the Brewery,
we've I've made some progress.
Primary Fermentation finished today. I racked the beer into the carboy to commence the next phase, ........
Secondary Fermentation as it's known (Though little if any fermentation actually takes place at this stage).
For those new to making beer. It all starts with a giant bucket of wort (pronounced 'wert') that is pretty much just beer-speak for a big bucket of yeast food. Live yeast is added ('pitched') into the wort, and they spend the next 3 to 5 days eating up almost all of the sugar, which creates alcohol and carbon dioxide. The gasses bubble off, and the alcohol remains in the liquid .........this new liquid is 'fermented' again and bottled. Voila! Beer!
Here's what it has looked like to date here at
my house the bracieRSS Brewery.
Yeast + Ph balancer + 8L of water + beer kit = Wort. |
Wort, pre-yeast. This smelled awesome, btw. |
Wort, with Yeast 'pitched.' |
The initial foam has settled,and the yeast is starting to do it's thing. At this point, it smells dreamy. |
Primary fermentation, in full swing. Smells like heaven. |
I was warned that it might foam over, this is the extent of that. |
Day 5 almost exactly to the hour - I racked it into the carboy. |
Crazy the amount of yeast left in the bucket. |
So the primary fermentation of my first batch of beer, is done. The wort is now full of booze, and secondary fermentation is now taking place in the carboy.
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